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 April E-letter 2010

Can you feel it in the air? Springtime is here! The grass is getting green and everywhere we look, buds and blooms are starting to peek out. Good thing we had all those spring showers last month!

Once the warm weather is here to stay, we love to throw open our windows and let in the fresh air. Something about the warm sunshine and just the slightest chill in the air inspires us for fresh starts. We're ready to spiff up our homes, try some new recipes and spend some time about you?

 Vickie & Jo Ann
In this edition of Feather Your Nest, we're giving you a first look at our new bookazine...find it where you buy your favorite magazines anytime after April 10th. Lucky you, you're getting a sample recipe to try below! We're also giving you one last shot to download the first chapter of our Circle of Friends cookbook, filled with 25 yummy mac & cheese recipes, and some freshen-up tips just right for this time of year...
 Celebrate Spring with Us!  Vickie & Jo Ann
P.S. Don't forget about our BIG giveaway going on now on Facebook...when we meet our next goal of 40,000 fans, EVERYONE wins another chapter! If you haven't heard about it yet, you'll want to scroll down to get the details. This is one contest you don't want to miss!
 Our brand new bookazine!
 Coming soon!

Mediterranean Pasta Salad

From our brand new bookazine, Our Best Quick & Easy Recipes, this recipe was submitted by Mary Rose Kulczak of Lambertville, MI.

12-oz. pkg. bowtie pasta, cooked
12-oz. jar marinated artichoke hearts,       drained and chopped
2-1/4 oz. can sliced black olives, drained
1 cucumber, chopped
1 pt. cherry tomatoes
3 T. sweet onion, chopped
8-oz. bottle balsamic vinaigrette salad       dressing
6-oz. pkg. crumbled feta cheese

Rinse pasta with cold water; drain well. Toss together artichoke hearts and next 5 ingredients with pasta. Chill 2 to 3 hours. Toss with cheese before serving. Serves 8 to 10.
For variety, substitute shredded Parmesan cheese for the feta cheese and Italian olive oil dressing for the balsamic vinaigrette!Click here for a printable version of this recipe.

 25 Mac & Cheese recipes...FREE!
FREE Download Have you downloaded your copy of our 25 Macaroni & Cheese Recipes yet? It's the first chapter in our brand new, exclusive Circle of Friends cookbook...and it's FREE!

Share this link with your friends...tell everyone you know! Call your family, email your friends, post it on your blog, tweet on Twitter, post it on your wall on Facebook!

Keep an eye out for our next free, downloadable chapter...25 Chocolate Chip Cookie recipes. (When we reach 40,000 fans on Facebook, everybody gets to download it!)

 Not sure how to post it on Facebook?  Here's a quick tip:
  • Sign in to your page on Facebook
  • Click the "Profile" link at the top of your page
  • Copy and paste this link in the box where it says "What's on your mind?"

  • In the same box, tell your friends they can get their own copies of these delicious recipes, too!
 Freshen-up-for-Spring Tips
A small cake pedestal in the bathroom topped with an array of pretty soaps is a nice surprise!

A bowl filled with lemons and limes adds loads of cheery color to your kitchen counter.

Gather last year's flower pots and give them a good'll be time to plant soon!

Brighten your dinner table with a new tablecloth, placemats or salt & pepper shakers in fresh, spring colors.

Take a peek at your cookbooks and select a new batch of recipes to try. You may find some new family favorites!

If April showers bring May flowers, then next month is sure to bring warmer days and sunny smiles too. See you in May!

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