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 December eLetter 2011
When you turn the calendar page to this merry month of December, do you hear a faint jingle of bells in the air? Does everything seem a little more festive and fun? That's exactly how we feel too...we're excited to bring you our holiday edition of Feather Your Nest!
 Jo Ann & Vickie
Whether you're dreaming of the first swirling snowfall or already enjoying frost-kissed days, we're delighted to celebrate the season with you. Making the most of these fun-filled days is definitely on our "nice" list and that's why we're sharing two cookie recipes below! There's one you can bake ahead and freeze...for the other recipe, you can make the dough now and bake whenever the mood strikes. With these two recipes (and lots more in our Cookbook of the Week, Christmas Cookies!), you'll be ready for the cookie-baking season. Won't it be fun to surprise family & friends with homemade treats?

While you have your recipe cards out for holiday gatherings, we'd love it if you
shared a recipe with us. The dishes that make Christmas get-togethers special for your family may just find a home in an upcoming cookbook! Making new memories and recalling years past with fondness? When you have a moment, please jot down a heartwarming memory to share with us as well. We always include these warm remembrances in our Christmas cookbooks and yours might be in print next year. We'll send you a free copy if your recipe or memory is selected, of course. We simply couldn't create our cookbooks without your help...thanks for always welcoming us into your celebrations.

You know we couldn't let this season of giving pass by without giving YOU something extra special too...keep reading to get your holiday gift from us.
 Wishing you the Happiest of Holidays! Jo Ann & Vickie

P.S. Did you receive last month's Bonus Edition of Feather Your Nest? Halfway through each month, we'll be sharing a round-up of all the goodies we're sharing on our Blog or on our Page on Facebook ...keep an eye out for it in your inbox in a few weeks! If you read last month's Bonus Edition, we'd love to hear what you think... click here to drop us a note.

 Bake up some memories!

Remember helping Mom or Grandma roll out their special cookie dough and then choosing your favorite shapes to cut out Christmas cookies? She'd let you wear an apron and climb up on a special stool to help...decorating them was always our favorite part!

These flour-dusted memories are some of our favorites and we love to include cookie baking in our holiday festivities. Whether you make them ahead of time or just before sharing, we know you'll enjoy these recipes. Both are from one of our favorite cookbooks,
Christmas Cookies.

Spicy Ginger Cookies

Thanks to Rebecca Chrisman of Citrus Heights, California for sharing this time-saving recipe with us. She writes, "To save time during the holidays, I prepare this cookie dough about 3 months ahead of time and freeze it."

3 c. all-purpose flour
1 t. baking soda
1/4 t. salt
2 t. ground ginger
1 t. cinnamon
1/2 t. nutmeg
1/4 t. ground cloves

3/4 c. shortening
3/4 c. brown sugar, packed
1/2 c. molasses
1 egg, beaten
Garnish: frosting, colored sugar,
         candy sprinkles, raisins

Combine flour, baking soda, salt and spices; set aside. Blend together shortening and brown sugar until light and fluffy; beat in molasses and egg. Stir in flour mixture just until combined. Refrigerate at least 2 hours or overnight. Divide dough into 4 portions; roll out each portion 1/4-inch thick on a floured surface. Flour cookie cutters and cut into desired shapes. Arrange on greased baking sheets; bake at 350 degrees for 10 to 12 minutes. Let cool on wire racks. Frost and decorate as desired. Makes 4 dozen.

White Chocolate-Cranberry Cookies

Sandy Bernards of Valencia, California shared this recipe with us. She writes, "Cranberries add a chewy tartness to the cookie dough...a tasty treat."

18-oz. tube refrigerated white
     chocolate chunk cookie
     dough, softened
1 c. chopped pecans
3/4 c. sweetened, dried
1 t. orange extract
1 t. vanilla extract

Combine all ingredients; mix well. Drop by heaping teaspoonfuls, 2 to 3 inches apart, onto ungreased baking sheets. Bake for 8 to 10 minutes at 350 degrees. Makes 2 to 3 dozen.

To celebrate the start of the season and to thank you for your friendship this
past year, we've created a collection of
FREE Holiday Gift Tags!

Click below to download. Print onto cardstock, cut them out and attach with
ribbon or twine. They're a fun way to add a little Gooseberry goodness to
some special packages...enjoy!

Our latest fundraising collection!
Trying to raise money for your group before the end of the year?
There's still time to add our program to your fundraising plan!

Our latest Fundraising collection
is available now through April!

Download our handy kit right from our website, take orders from friends,
family and other buyers. Once you're ready, simply place your order by
phone, fax or email. We'll ship your order within 48 hours and you'll have it
in a week or less!

Unlike with other fundraisers, you won't have to wait to receive payment
from us either. Just collect the money from your buyers, remit the cost to us
and your organization keeps the rest!

News from the Patch
We're thrilled to be a part of one of our favorite magazines,
Where Women Cook!

Take a Peek Behind the Scenes of our Photo Shoot!

Look for it where your favorite magazines are sold...
it's on sale now!

Click below to watch the videos we made, featuring the recipes in the article.

Send Us Your Receipts Contest

Congratulations to our November Winner!

Congratulations to Kathleen Deshong!
Her receipt from Butterchurn Kitchenwares in Walnut Creek, Ohio was selected at random in our Send Us Your Receipts contest!

Click here to read all about the winning store on our blog.

The holiday shopping season is here...
here's another chance to WIN!

Send us any RECEIPT dated between now and
that shows a purchase of a Gooseberry Patch
book or calendar (a copy or photo of the receipt is okay too!) and
you'll be entered to win a $50 gift certificate!

Mail in receipts to:
Gooseberry Patch
Attn: Receipt Contest
2500 Farmers Drive, #110
Columbus, OH 43235

Email a scan or photo
of your receipt to:

Remember to get your receipt to us by Christmas and we'll draw a winner at the end of the month...good luck!

Thanks for joining us for this holiday edition of Feather Your Nest. We're wishing you all the best for the season and
for a brand new year. See you in 2012!

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