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 February eLetter 2013
 Jo Ann & Vickie

Happy February to all of you...we just love this rosy spot in the middle of Winter, don't you? Whether you exchange cards with girlfriends, have a special meal with your sweetie or just enjoy some candy conversation hearts, Valentine's Day is coming right up.

In this month's edition of Feather Your Nest, we're sharing a new cookbook that we hope you'll LOVE as much as we's filled with slow-cooker recipes to enjoy all year long! Keep reading for a special BONUS prize in our letter this month...details below!

 Hugs to YOU!  Jo Ann & Vickie
P.S. Did you know that there's a whole week devoted to Random Acts of Kindness? We didn't either, but we're celebrating this year...won't you join us? Tune in on our Page on Facebook and on our blog the week of February 11 through 17 for some inspiring ideas!
Brand New Cookbook!
 Slow Cooking All Year 'Round

Add Slow Cooking All Year 'Round
to YOUR collection today!

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We're teaming up with a national kitchen brand to bring you a cookbook giveaway with a bonus prize...this shiny new Hamilton-Beach® slow cooker!

How can you win? Here's how it works...

1. Visit our website and share your favorite slow-cooker recipe with us.

2. Enter the code SLOWFEB13 in the Special Code field.

3. Stop by our blog Friday, February 15, 2013 to see if YOU were one of the winners!

Remember, for every recipe shared,
you'll be entered to win.
The more you share, the better
your chances!

One Grand Prize winner will receive a copy of Slow Cooking All Year 'Round cookbook and a Hamilton-Beach® slow cooker. Three Runners-Up will receive a copy of this brand new cookbook, too. Contest starts today and ends February 13, 2013 at midnight, EST.

Sweet and Slow-Simmered...

Cinnamon-Raisin Bread Pudding

Terri Kearney, of Maple Hill, NC, shared this family-favorite recipe with us. She writes, "My husband, my best friend and my mother-in-law can all agree on one thing...they love this warm and hearty bread pudding!"

4 c. cinnamon-raisin bread, toasted
      and cubed
2 eggs
3/4 c. sugar
2-1/2 c. milk, heated to boiling and
2 T. butter, melted
1 t. vanilla extract
1/8 t. nutmeg
1/8 t. salt
Garnish: whipped cream

Add bread cubes to a slow cooker that has been sprayed with non-stick vegetable spray. In a bowl, beat eggs and sugar; whisk in remaining ingredients except garnish. Pour over bread cubes, mixing well and pressing down so bread will soak up milk mixture. Cover and cook on low setting for 6 hours. Spoon into individual bowls; serve warm topped with whipped cream. Makes 8 servings.

A Sweet Remembrance
Scented sachets made from hand-me-down hankies will fill your room with good memories. Stitch up a few and enclose in a special valentine to best friends, sisters or anyone who appreciates a handmade treat. This project can be found in our craft book, Sweet & Simple Embroidery.

Embroidered Hankie Sachets

For each sachet, you'll need:
• vintage hankie
• embroidery floss
• lightweight cotton or polyester batting
• dried lavender, sweet Annie or other scented herb
• button

Transfer the patterns (click here to find them on our blog) and embroider the design on the one corner of each hankie. (Complete stitch diagrams available on our blog.) This will be on the envelope flap. Once the embroidery is complete, press any creases out of the hankie.

Fold the bottom and side points, then the flap, to the center, overlapping the points to form an envelope. Lightly press to hold the shape. Cut two pieces of batting to fit inside. Tuck the batting in the envelope with a sprinkle of the scented herb between the layers. Tack the points of the hankie to the top layer of batting and sew a button to the envelope flap.

Top 3 Chocolate Favorites


Here are 4 boards we've created on Pinterest...
we hope they inspire YOU!



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Thanks for joining us for this February edition
of Feather Your Nest...join us next month,
when we'll be that much closer to SPRING!

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