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 July eLetter 2013
 Jo Ann & Vickie

Can you believe we're over halfway through 2013? Seems like just yesterday, we were looking forward to winter's end and now, summer's already heating up.

Thanks for joining us for our July edition of Feather Your Nest. We're excited to show you our 2014 Calendar Collection, filled with a fresh batch of inspiration to keep you smiling all year long. As always, they're available in three handy sizes, so you're sure to find one (or more!) to fit your schedule.

We're also looking forward to the 4th of July and have included a crafty project that you can whip up just in time for summertime celebrations. Red, white & blue are always in style!

 Stay cool!  Jo Ann & Vickie
P.S. Planning a get-together this summer? Be sure to visit our Online Recipe Collection to find a sample batch of recipes from each cookbook, all ready to print, save and share!

2014 Wall Calendar
2014 Wall Calendar
• Delicious recipes and original watercolor artwork
• Plenty of room for birthdays, special occasions and more
• Exclusively designed by Gooseberry Patch
• Ready to hang; 24 pages.
• 12" x 24"
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2014 Appointment Calendar
• Delicious recipes, handy tips and our original watercolor artwork
• Plenty of room for daily notes plus month-at-a-glance views too
• Two handy pockets inside
• Durable softcover; 112 pages.
• 5-1/2" x 8-1/4"
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2014 Appointment Calendar

2014 Pocket Calendar
2014 Pocket Calendar
• Original Gooseberry Patch artwork and inspiring quotes.
• Ready to go in a convenient take-along size
• Roomy boxes in month-at-a-glance format
• Durable softcover; 24 pages.
• 4-1/2" x 5-3/4"
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Bake Up Memories!
Our Wall and Appointment Calendars both feature recipes like this one to
inspire you all year long...try this simple dessert, pictured on the cover of our
Wall Calendar!

Easy Cherry Cobbler

15-oz. can tart red cherries
1 c. all-purpose flour
1-1/4 c. sugar, divided
1 c. milk
2 t. baking powder
1/8 t. salt
1/2 c. butter, melted
Garnish: vanilla ice cream or whipped

In a saucepan over medium heat, cook cherries with juice until boiling; remove from heat. In a medium bowl, mix flour, one cup sugar, milk, baking powder and salt. Spread butter in a 2-quart casserole dish or in 4 to 6 one-cup ramekins; pour flour mixture over butter. Add cherries; do not stir. Sprinkle remaining sugar over top. Bake at 400 degrees for 20 to 30 minutes. Serve warm, garnished as desired. Makes 4 to 6 servings.

Happy Birthday, America!
Stitch up these quick & easy coasters for the 4th of July and celebrate
the stars and stripes all summer long!

Stitched Star Coaster
You'll need...
1/4 yd. cream felt
1/4 yd. red felt
scraps of blue felt
embroidery floss
cotton batting
pinking shears
freezer paper
quilter's basting spray

Cut two 6" squares from cream felt and two 6" squares from batting. Use pattern (below) and pinking shears to cut large circle appliqué from felt. Cut remaining appliqués from felt; refer to photo to layer and spray baste on one cream square. Refer to pattern to embroider design. Layer embroidered square, batting, and remaining felt square; pin together. Stitch a running stitch around edges of trivet.

Here's the pattern you'll here to enlarge and then right-click to print or save.

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Thanks for joining us for the July edition of Feather Your Nest...we'll have
a brand new cookbook to share with you next month! See you then!

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