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 July eLetter 2012
 Vickie & Jo Ann

July has always been one of our favorite months...from fireflies to fireworks and backyard cookouts to shady hammocks, every day of the month captures what we love about summertime. How are YOUR summer days spent?

This month's edition of Feather Your Nest offers a sneak peek into our 2013 Calendar Collection. No matter which size you choose or how you use them, we hope they bring a little cheer into next year. Keep reading for a sample recipe and a peek at some of the original watercolor artwork!

We're also sharing a brand new feature of our Recipe'll allow you to save, print and share all your favorite recipes with the click of a button! Details and how-to's below...hope it makes it that much easier to bring new recipes to your table and rediscover ones that you've loved for years.

 Stay Cool! Jo Ann & Vickie

P.S. Excited for July 4th? We are too, and we'd love to see how YOU celebrate America's birthday with family & friends...share your photos on our Page on Facebook, and be sure to check out our Stars & Stripes Pinterest board below!

2013 Calendars are HERE!
It may be the middle of summer, but it's not too soon to think about a brand new year of cheer! Our 2013 calendars have only been available for a few weeks, but they're already flying off the shelves.

Whether you like the wall calendar in the kitchen, the appointment calendar on your desk or the pocket calendar in your purse, there's a new batch of sunny watercolors in each one to make you smile.

Sprinkled with homestyle recipes, clever tips and inspiring quotes, each has space to jot down special occasions and appointments. No matter how busy life can get, we have a calendar to help folks keep track of it all in Gooseberry Patch style.

If you were one of the many folks who didn't get yours last year, you won't want to wait too long...they're well on their way to selling out again!

Find in a store near you
Buy yours now
Here's a sample recipe from
our 2013 Appointment Calendar...
perfect for summertime celebrations!

Bacon-Stuffed Burgers

Thanks to Gooseberry Patch family member, Molly Cool, who shared this recipe with us!

4 slices bacon, crisply cooked,
    crumbled and drippings reserved
1/4 c. onion, chopped
4-oz. can mushroom pieces, drained
    and diced
1 lb. ground beef
1 lb. ground pork sausage
1/4 c. grated Parmesan cheese
1/2 t. pepper
1/2 t. garlic powder
2 T. steak sauce
8 sandwich buns, split
Optional: lettuce

Heat 2 tablespoons reserved drippings in a skillet over medium heat. Add onion and sauté until tender. Add bacon and mushrooms; heat through and set aside. Combine beef, sausage, cheese, pepper, garlic powder and steak sauce in a large bowl. Shape into 16 patties. Spoon bacon mixture over 8 patties. Place remaining patties on top and press edges tightly to seal. Grill over medium coals to desired doneness. Serve on buns with lettuce, if desired. Makes 8 servings.

Click here to
view the 2013
calendar trailer!

 New Addition to our Recipe Collection!
Have you ever found a recipe on our website and
wanted to save it for later?
With our new addition of Ziplist, you can SAVE
your favorites to your own personal recipe box!

It's easy to get started...just find a recipe you love and click the blue button. There's one on every recipe page in our Recipe Collection.

From there, you can create a free account with Ziplist or log in, if you're already using the service.

With just one more "Add to My Recipe Box" click, you'll save this delicious can log in anytime to get the details and give it a try!

Ziplist does even
MORE though!

Maybe you have a few new dishes
you want to try and you're ready to
head to the grocery store?

With just a few clicks, you
can create a shopping list for
everything you need!

Print it out or view it
on your mobile device...
getting groceries has never
been easier!

We hope you enjoy this new feature on
our website...look for it soon on our blog too!

Free Download for You!
Ready to welcome
July with a brand new
Desktop Wallpaper?

Click HERE to download this
free goodie!

Free Download!
We had so much fun chatting with Heather of Basilmomma last
Thursday on her radio show, Around the Kitchen Sink.

Each week, she invites a guest and talks about food, family and fun. We even talked about some kitchen FLOPS while we were there!

We were delighted to be a part of the show.
Thanks for having us, Heather!

Just in case you missed it,
CLICK HERE to listen online!

What's New on Pinterest?
Looking for ideas for your Independence Day gathering?
We've gathered all the best celebration inspiration on our
Stars & Stripes board on Pinterest!

Still need an invitation to Pinterest? Email us at and we'll send you one!

Top 5 Picnic Videos


Farmhouse Honey Mustard                   Family Favorite Party Mix

Thanks so much for joining us for the July edition of Feather Your Nest...we hope you’re enjoying every moment of these fun summer months. Join us next month as we bring you even more Gooseberry Patch goodies...see you then!

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