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 December eLetter 2010
The merry month of December is here and we're excited to bring you the holiday edition of Feather Your Nest! Filled with easy recipes, sneak peeks at what's coming up this month and a special gift just for you, it's sure to be one of your favorites. Whether you're dreaming of swirling snowflakes, stuffed stockings or sugar-sprinkled surprises, we're delighted to celebrate the season with you.

While we always enjoy the whirlwind of festivities this time of year, we like the quiet moments too...watching the lights twinkle on the tree, taking care to wrap a special present or just enjoying a cup of tea and thumbing
 Vickie & Jo Ann
through our favorite Christmas books & magazines. Making more time for yourself is what we had in mind when we selected this month's recipes to share. They're both quick to whip up for guests dropping by or to take along to a gathering with family & friends...just as special in half the time!
While you have your recipe cards out this month, maybe you'd like to share a recipe with us? We'd love to hear about the dishes that make the holidays special for your family. Making new memories and recalling years past with fondness? When you have a moment, jot down a heartwarming story for us. We'd love to share it in a Christmas cookbook next year...and we'll send you a free copy, of course. We simply couldn't create our cookbooks without your help...thanks for welcoming us into your celebrations.
 Wishing you a very merry Christmas! Vickie & Jo Ann
P.S. Have you seen the eCards available on our Page on Facebook? Made of our original art, they're fun to send to your friends...and free too! Click here to see them all.

 Making More Time for YOU!
As the busy holiday season really gets going, we find we have more reasons to whip up something yummy in the kitchen but less time to do it! As a way to help you spend more time with family & friends and a little less in the kitchen, we thought we'd share a few Christmas quickies with you.
You can find both dishes in our book, Comfort & Joy...keep reading after the recipes for special savings on this book!

Polish Sausage Appetizer

These savory little bites are perfect for a party or for snacking while you wrap presents! Marie Alana Gardner of North Tonawanda, New York originally shared this recipe with us. She says she always makes a triple batch on Christmas Eve for her family celebration!

2 lbs. Polish sausage, sliced
3/4 c. brown sugar, packed
1 onion, diced
1 c. applesauce

Combine all ingredients in a 13"x9" baking pan and bake at 350 degrees for one hour, stirring after 30 minutes. Place in a slow cooker to keep warm for serving. Makes 8 servings.

Whatever Bars

Rhonda Phillips of Sand Springs, Oklahoma shared this recipe with us. She writes, "My favorite aunt gave me this recipe. You can make it whatever flavor you like just by using a different flavor of cake mix, hence the name." So fun for holiday get-togethers or anytime!

18-1/2 oz. pkg. lemon cake mix
3/4 c. butter
1-1/4 c. chopped pecans, divided
8-oz. pkg. cream cheese, softened
1 c. brown sugar, packed

Mix together cake mix, butter and one cup pecans; spread in a greased 13"x9" baking pan. Blend cream cheese and brown sugar; spread over mixture. Sprinkle with remaining pecans. Bake at 350 degrees until light golden, 25 to 30 minutes. Makes 2 to 3 dozen.

Why Should I Join In?
Well, you've found yourself asking that question about the fun on Facebook, we're here to give you some answers. Here's just a sampling of what's coming up in December!

12 Days of Christmas Cookies!
A dozen of our favorite cookie recipes shared one at a time in the week or so before Christmas...sure to inspire your swaps and celebrations!

Christmas Dinner...Soup to Nuts!
Throughout the month, we'll share recipes from appetizers to main dishes all the way to dessert plus a handy checklist and table-setting ideas too!

10 Homemade Gifts from the Heart
Looking for inspiration for your gift-making this year? We'll give you our top 10 ideas this month...all from our cookbooks!

6 Easy Christmas Crafts
For your home, for gift-giving and to celebrate with the kids, we'll give you a half-dozen holiday crafts in the month of December!

Heartwarming Memories
From Vickie & Jo Ann, members of the Gooseberry Patch family...we'll share some of the best that have been published. They're sure to get you in the holiday spirit!

Care Package Tips & Ideas
Tips on packing homemade treats to send to far-away family & friends, including ideas for making the package special plus suggestions for ready-to-give goodies!

Special savings on our cookbook, Comfort & Joy!
Become a fan and get our bestselling holiday cookbook, Comfort & Joy, for 50% off right now. The two recipes in this month's eLetter come from this Christmas favorite...check 'em out!

Something Fun and FREE!
To celebrate the start of the season and to thank you for your friendship
this past year, we created a free holiday collection of

eight downloadable gift tags!

Click the button to download, print onto cardstock and then cut out
to add a little Gooseberry goodness to some special packages. Enjoy!

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Can you believe it'll be 2011 when you get your next edition of Feather Your Nest?
Here's hoping you have a warm and happy holiday season.
Enjoy every moment and we'll see you next year!

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